This multi-page site was designed for a customer who designs and makes custom clothing, costumes and surgical scrub caps as a side-hustle.
This website format (with home page, about/staff page, contact form and core service areas) is fairly standard for a service-based business. This type of site often incorporates blog posts and/or frequently asked questions to improve search engine optimisation.
In future, it may be expanded to include an online shop, however the customer doesn’t currently have capacity to produce enough products to justify the cost of a web shop. Instead, we will soon add a social media feed as new projects and designs are regularly posted there.
Single Page Website (WordPress)
This single page site was designed for an orthopaedic surgeon in a regional centre.
In this case, only basic SEO was required as customer leads (patient referrals in this case) come from local doctors, hospitals and other specialists.
After receiving a four-figure invoice to renew his phone book listing, the office manager made the call to save money in the long-term by investing in a website instead of paying for a listing.
As a WordPress site, it will be easy to add extra pages in future (such as information for patients or a separate fees page). Similar businesses could add posts, articles or Q&A to improve SEO.
Single Page Website (Canva)
Canva has recently released a website building tool, so I thought I’d give it a go and see what it was like to use.
In short, if you want a static website that explains what you do and looks great, then this could be a cost-effective option. At the moment, there is very limited functionality but given that websites are a new Canva feature, I’d expect features to improve over time.
relatively quick and cheap to build
easy to add sections using pre-designed layouts
visually appealing: lots of pictures, frames and design elements to customise your site
simple to administer (no backups or theme updates required)
Can self-host/self-manage after setup (note: website would need to be set up using the customer’s Canva Pro account)
not really a content management system (no draft versions, external contributors, blog pages or subscriptions)
one-way communication (no feedback, reviews etc)
can’t add a feed from your social media page
contact details can’t be hidden behind a form
can be challenging to link to external domain name servers and google analytics if hosted externally